Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Failure to Blog

Failure to grocery shop. Failure to exercise. Failure to weed the flowers. Failure to make dinner. You get the gist. I apologize to my readers about being absent. I feel as though I have been absent from every aspect of my life - except for work. I am always "present" for work.

I was 14 weeks yesterday and I felt a little better yesterday and today than I have in a long time. I actually went to the grocery store and I made dinner last night. That is a big victory.

I spent more than an hour surfing for baby stuff on the internet last night. Dave told me that he was happy that I was finally starting to get interested in buying baby stuff. I think he was a little worried that I may never gain any motivation.

I have also decided to make the blog public, so you should no longer have to log in to view it. It should be easier to leave comments, too. I hope that makes things easier. I'll be back soon.

1 comment:

  1. Tisha your baby bump looks beautiful. I'm sorry you are tired, but it will get better! I remember cooking for the first time after several months too and feeling so accomplished. Even now, I don't cooked much. Lots of love to you, Dave and the little ones!

