Wednesday, September 2, 2009

24 Week OB Appointment and Ultrasound

Dave and I went to Columbia yesterday for my 24-week OB and ultrasound appointment. Everything was perfect! The boys were in full performance mode during the ultrasound - as usual. They were head-butting each other, kicking, rolling around. It was so much fun to watch. The ultrasound was at 2:00 and they usually don't move much during that time of the afternoon, so it was as if they knew they had an audience. They are already little geniuses - or just very ornery.

I told Nan (my ultrasound tech) that we are coming back in 3 weeks for the 4D/3D ultrasound and she said, "I wonder who is doing that. I hope it's not me." It was funny. She said that I will be the first patient pregnant with twins to do the 4D/3D ultrasound since they started doing them in their office. I think she is a little worried that it may be hard to get good pictures of my very active boys.

My OB, Dr. Morse, arranged for me to see a maternal fetal medicine specialist next Tuesday. A maternal fetal medicine specialist is basically an OB/GYN that specializes in high risk pregnancies. It isn't because I am having complications or problems. It is just because she knows that I will rest easier if I see a specialist. I explained to her that I want to take every precaution possible to get these babies here healthy.

The boys' measurements during the ultrasound were great. Baby A is 1 lb. 8 oz and Baby B is 1 lb. 9 oz. They are in the 54th and 62nd percentile for size. Their heart rates were good. All fluids and placentas looked good. They are both in the vertex position (heads down), so that is a positive sign towards possibly avoiding a C-section.

Mom seems to be doing great with her radiation treatments. She completed her seventh treatment out of 30 today. Most appointments only take 15 or 20 minutes, but she has to drive 45 minutes each way to the George Ray Cancer Center in Kirksville. She says that she does feel a bit tired, but no other side effects have surfaced yet. Her skin seems to be handling it well. She has been wearing the pressure stocking on her leg for a week. It seems to be decreasing the swelling in her leg. Thank goodness. We figure that she has endured enough with the blood clot issue in her leg. Hopefully the radiation will continue to be easy on her. She deserves it.

I will try to get ultrasound pictures scanned over the long weekend and posted on an upcoming blog. Have a great holiday weekend!

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