Sunday, September 12, 2010

1, 2, 3 Grow! 10 Months, Really??!

It is so sad to see the summer wind down, but we love fall at our house, so I guess we will survive. We spent Labor Day weekend in St. Louis with our great friends Brian, Ranina, Mayson and Ryles Robinson. We ventured to the St. Louis Zoo and to a Cardinals game - two firsts for the boys. They did great with both experiences. I was quite worried about how the boys would do at the game and it went much better than I expected. The Cards beat the Reds 4-2 and we saw Holliday hit a 3 run home run. Great memories.

What’s new with the boys? So much I can’t even list it all here. The biggie is that they are both crawling. They do an army crawl with their bellies only barely getting off of the floor, but they manage to zoom very quickly all over the house. It seems like the fun is just beginning.

We already had our first incident today. Isaac loves crawling over to any furniture, cabinets, a person, etc. and getting on his back and kicking said item or individual. He has a true love for kicking anything and everything. So, this afternoon I was actually laying on the floor with both boys while he was kicking an end table that toppled and landed right on his forehead. He has a huge goose egg. Ugghh! I feel awful about it. So, the baby-proofing of the house has been stepped up a notch.

Adrian still loves to walk/run everywhere, but he still needs support from someone to do so. They have both recently started self-feeding small snack foods. That is a mess and so much fun. I am also incorporating more solid foods into their diet. It is always an adventure when we add something new. Isaac makes the most ridiculous faces when he experiences new foods. Adrian makes the most ridiculous faces for no apparent reason.

Isaac has just recently started to have some attachment issues with both Dave and myself. When we walk in the door from work, he insists upon being held and loved up. We are fine with it, but he occasionally gets upset when we put him down. It is always very short lived though. We just eliminated Isaac’s pacifier four days ago. That has been an experience. I actually thought it would be much worse. There have been a handful of fits at nap time or bedtime. I think the worst is behind us. Luckily, Adrian never took a pacifier.

Adrian is a studier. He spends a lot of time studying his environment and toys. This is why walking is so appealing to him. He has lots of areas in the house he needs to explore. He enjoys holding toys in his left hand and hitting them repeatedly with a toy that he is holding in his right hand. He always seems to be trying to figure things out. We have a thinker on our hands.

Within the last couple of weeks the boys seem to play together a lot more. They also fight over toys frequently. Adrian is definitely more tenacious than Isaac. Isaac just gives up. We have seen a few head locks and of course Isaac loves to try to kick Adrian. That doesn’t go over well with anyone. There have also been some sympathy cries from a brother here and there. They are going to have so much fun together very soon. I can’t wait!

Ranina, Brian, Ryles Robinson Dave, Adrian, Tisha, Isaac
Mayson opted out of this picture. He was tired of being photographed.
Ryles is one month younger than the twins.
9/5/10 St. Louis

The Briggs Family at the boys’ first Cards game. Many, many more to come.
9/5/10 9 Months, 3 Weeks

“Let’s Get Papa!!” and the fun begins.
9/10/10 10 Months

The boys are officially crawling - although they don’t get their bellies off the floor. This is what chases me around the house all day. I am the luckiest girl to have two handsome fellows like this on my tail. 9/9/10

Adrian & Isaac
10 Month Birthday
Isaac is actually taller than Adrian, but Adrian has better posture while sitting. Funny.

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