Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Feeling the Love

I hate to publish "mushy" blogs on a regular basis, because I would actually like for a man or 2 to read this on occasion. . . but I have to say that I am definitely feeling the love today. Since finding out that Mom has breast cancer yesterday, I feel even more confident that I have the best friends a woman could possibly have. I hate to brag about it, but noone has a better support system than I do. Thanks a million to each of you for calling and just listening. I promise to pass the support on to Mom.

We know nothing more today than we did yesterday. She has requested that her records be sent from Memphis to Ellis Fischel in Columbia. I really pushed her to have her treatment at a dedicated oncology clinic. I'm happy she made that decision. I think she is hanging in there. She is a tough lady. Thanks again for all of your support.

1 comment:

  1. Tisha, I know you and your mom will have a tough road ahead, but she will have very good doctors that will take care of her. I havent been through it myself, but Janene and Carries mom both are dealing with breast cancer currently and I'm sure they would be willing to talk to you or your mom regarding this journey. As for you and Dave, I am so happy for you. Be brave, and most importantly lean on each other, remember you are in this together, even through the rough times. I will keep all of you in my prayers.
