Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Oh, Baby - Two Distinct Personalities

Twelve week ultrasounds were today. Dave was unable to attend, but Mom was with me today. The babies were beautiful. Active. Healthy. Amazing. Mobile. Tiny (about 3-4 inches). The ultrasound pictures tell the story.

This is Baby B (for boisterous). In this picture his hands are crossed in front of his face. He could be described as uncooperative. He wasn't interested in having his picture taken today. He has a STRONG personality.

I think this is the most hilarious ultrasound picture of all time. Baby B is directly facing the ultrasound wand. He has his arm in the air. It's almost like he is waving his arm, saying, "Get out of here or else!" HILARIOUS!! Baby B is very rambunctious . . . active . . . uncooperative . . . hyper . . . and the list goes on and on. It's amazing he has so much energy considering that he is holding up Baby A.

Baby B again, facing the ultrasound wand. He was constantly moving throughout the entire ultrasound. I was shocked that the babies can move so much at only 12 weeks.

This was the best profile picture that we could get of Baby B and it took some patience.

This is Baby A (for angel). Baby A moved, as well, but she almost always went back to the same position. We got to see all of her fingers. She had her hand up by her face most of the time. The ultrasound tech, Nan, saw her nasal bone, which is apparently difficult to find at only 12 weeks. I can already tell that this will be our good baby.

Another angelic view of Baby A.

This is the hand of one of the babies, I'm not sure which one. We could see all 20 fingers today.

Baby A's heart rate was 146 and Baby B's heart rate was 167. The tech said Baby B's rate was probably higher because of all of the activity. Nan also said that she can't be 100% sure, but she thinks that Baby B is a boy and Baby A is a girl. We won't start decorating the nursery yet, but it is nice to have an idea what the sexes are. Everything looked great on the ultrasound today. YEAY!! The next ultrasound is at 16 weeks, on July 7th.

Mom went with me to the ultrasound today. She loved it. She was happy that they actually looked like babies instead of blobs. She had chemo today. It seemed to go well. She has been feeling okay, not great. She will have chemo every week for 9 more weeks. The trial drug, which caused most of her side effects, has been left in the dust. She is continuing chemo with the regular protocol of drugs from here through the end. I am happy about this.

This is my 12 Week belly picture. I read that a woman pregnant with twins is usually about the same size as a woman pregnant with a singleton that is two months further along. That means I am probably about the same size as a woman that is 5 months pregnant. So, I asked Dave what would happen if I made it to 9 months (I know it is unlikely) and he said, "You will look like you are 11 months pregnant." I thought that sounded like lots of fun.


  1. I am also happy that they are starting to look like babies!! I know this sounds terrible, but I can't see anything on these ultrasounds!! So I am glad to know that they no longer look like jelly beans! I hope that Nan is right about the sexes because that will be way fun!!!! Love ya

  2. OH to clarify--I can see babies on these particular ultrasounds! I meant ultrasounds prior to the babies looking like babies! Sorry

  3. I am amazed at these photos! Your tech NAN was awesome. I can tell that they spent a lot of time with each baby. This is great! My photos of Zachary are nothing compared to this. What a keepsake. I am glad that they are both doing great. I too am excited that you have the possibility of having one of each sex. That's cool. Thanks for the updates and photos. Take care!

  4. Loved the pictures! It is so neat that you can already tell so much about their personalities. A boy and a girl would make shopping for baby items a lot of fun!

  5. Awesome ultrasound pics, I can't believe they can even begin to tell the sexes at 12 weeks, that is really cool, I hope it is a boy and a girl. So excited for you guys!!

  6. How exciting. I am so, so happy for you guys. Heartbeats, then pics and next they'll be kicking at you ribs. It is truly amazing and so cool your Mom was there. I'm keeping her in my prayers also. Take care.
