Thursday, December 3, 2009

Keeping Our Heads Above Water

I can't believe it has been so long since I have posted anything on the blog. I just wanted to quickly jump on here (in between feedings) to say that the boys are doing great. Dave went back to work on Monday and his mom, Adrianna, helped me with the boys Monday, Tuesday, and yesterday. But I decided to try to get through today all by myself. It is 11:25 and I haven't brushed my teeth, showered, or changed out of my pajamas, but Isaac and Adrian have been fed twice, changed into new outfits, and I even lotioned them up. So, I am okay with my hygiene taking a back seat to theirs.

I thought I would write a few tidbits about each of my beautiful boys. I am doing this more for myself - so I don't forget. Isaac is gaining weight rapidly. He eats well. He tends to be a little bit of a drama queen. If he is hungry or has a dirty diaper, we find out about it quickly. He even started screaming a little bit. I think it is cute. He has so much beautiful blond hair. It is already longer than his ears. I am wondering how soon he will need a haircut. His complexion is perfect, too. Isaac's eyes are a beautiful dark blue. He has already acquired three nicknames: Mr. Sunshine, Ike, Snoozie Bear.

Adrian is our little comedian. It isn't intentional, though. He makes the most hilarious facial expressions all day long. He tends to furrow his brow often, pucker up his lips and his skin gets so red when he gets angry. He is such a sweetie. He doesn't cry much at all, except during diaper changes and at 1:30 in the morning - of course. He really loves to have his hair washed during his baths, but hates to have anything else washed. He also has the biggest beautiful eyes. We still can't tell what color they are. They look like a dark hazel/grey. Adrian's hair is starting to thin a little and it was very dark at birth, but also appears to be lightening up. His nicknames are: Moon Beam, Ace, Snuggly Bear.

We took the boys to the pediatrician Monday, Nov. 30 and they both gained 4 ounces in one week. Adrian weighed 4 lbs. 9 oz. and Isaac weighed 6 lbs. 3 oz. They are doing great with the nursing and we are supplementing their feedings with special formula made for preemies.

I still feel so blessed (even with so little sleep) to have been given this gift. Sometimes I just look at them and I fill up with tears, because I am so happy. The only sad thing about being a parent is that I can tell that they are already changing and I don't want that to happen so quickly. I know I should prepare myself for rapid changes in the future.

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