Friday, March 26, 2010

March Madness

Adrian & Isaac on St. Patrick's Day 4 Months

Adrian on his 4 Month Birthday

Isaac claiming his major. Ha. Ha. 4 months

March has been a fantastic month of many firsts. We had our first family trip out of town last week. We left Thursday night, March 18, to head to Kansas City for the weekend. While we were there, a huge snow storm blew in and dumped about 6 inches. I had a dental conference and the opportunity to meet up with lots of old friends. We stayed in a hotel and the boys did great. We did some shopping and several meals in restaurants. They had a couple of meltdowns, but overall the trip went better than I expected. I & A had their first ride in their stroller and first trip to a mall while we were in Kansas City. They did great with all of it.

Adrian rolled over for the first time this past Tuesday the 23rd. Once he gets on his tummy, he is mad as hell. He has never enjoyed tummy time. Since Tuesday, he just keeps rolling over. On Tuesday, we took our first walk around the neighborhood with the stroller. The weather was finally nice enough to get out and socialize with the neighbors. We are looking forward to more days out and about throughout the spring.

The boys are continuing to change so drastically. Isaac spends a lot of time babbling and kicking. He just loves to lay on the floor or in his crib and kick his feet. He is very close to sitting up on his own, too. Adrian is still obsessed with his hands. He loves to look at his left hand and both boys are grabbing for toys now. It seems as though both of them have already started the teething process - lots of drool and chewing on fingers and toys. Adrian is such a snuggler. He absolutely loves getting kisses. His hair is starting to grown in a little thicker (finally). He is so cute with his dark eyebrows.

Life is always an adventure with Isaac and Adrian. It seems like it just keeps getting better and better!

1 comment:

  1. it's crazy how fast they're growing. I swear you just informed us yesterday that you were pregnant!!
