Friday, October 30, 2009

32 Week Update

I was 32 weeks pregnant last Monday, October 26. I realized I haven't shared any ultrasound photos or belly bump photos for a while, so I am writing a quick post to attach some photos.

I officially quit seeing patients in my dental practice last Friday, October 23. I have been spending a lot of time at home . . . doing a lot of nothing. I am bored. So, if anyone wants to come and hang out with me, just give me a call.

I am continuing to see my Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist, Dr. Grant, and my OB, Dr. Morse, every Tuesday in Columbia. Dr. Grant completes a biophysical profile on the boys (a detailed ultrasound with fetal heart rate monitoring) weekly and then I see Dr. Morse. Everything is going well. Both boys have had a perfect score on every biophysical profile.

The only concern is that Baby B is a lot bigger than Baby A. It actually is not much of a concern because Baby A is in normal range for size. If Baby A were really small and Baby B were very large, it would definitely be more of a concern.

Baby A hasn't cooperated for good ultrasound pictures of his face during the last two sessions, so there are no great recent pictures of his face. We did get to see some hair on his head this week and last. The ultrasound tech says that probably means he is blond.

Baby A 30 Weeks 10/13/09

Baby A Hair 31 Weeks 10/21/09

Baby B 32 Weeks Sucking on his Cord 10/27/09

Baby B 32 Weeks 10/27/09

I thought I would post some comparison pictures of my pregnancy progress. I can't believe how much has changed!

14 Weeks 6/22/09

20 Weeks 8/3/09

26 Weeks 9/14/09

32 Weeks 10/26/09

1 comment:

  1. I love it! You slowly start losing your arm in the pictures!! ha ha! You look terrific and you should be so proud of yourself for working up until 31 weeks of pregnancy! That's just nuts!!! You relax and enjoy the last of the kicks!!
