Monday, October 5, 2009

Oh My Goodness . . . So Much To Do

I am starting to enter the "freak out zone". I don't exactly know what the "freak out zone" is, but it is making me a little anxious - I mean a LOT anxious. I am officially 29 weeks pregnant today. Yeay! I am so torn between desperately wanting to meet my baby boys and being completely terrified that I am not ready for them to get here.

Here is a short list of my worries:
  1. I have no idea how to nurse two babies. How are we going to work out that schedule?
  2. I so desperately want them to be healthy with limited or no time in the NICU. I want them to stay in my belly as long as possible.
  3. Where are they going to sleep when they come home? Our nursery furniture is not here yet.
  4. How do I know what they want, need? Are they eating enough? Can we keep them alive?
  5. Will I ever sleep again?
  6. When should I stop working? Am I doing too much (physically) right now?
  7. Perhaps this should be at the top of the list. Will I be a good mom?
  8. I haven't decided on a name yet. Dave has his ready to go.

Here is a short list of the reasons I can't wait to get them here:
  1. I can't wait to see their beautiful faces. What do they look like?
  2. What will their personalities be like? Will one be like me (Type A, perfectionist) and one be like Dave (laid back, an intellectual book worm)?
  3. I have been waiting so long to meet them. It is painful that I have to wait another day. Time moves the slowest during pregnancy.
  4. I can't wait to shower them with love, kisses, cuddles. I have so much that I want to teach them.
  5. Have you seen my belly? It is HUGE! How could it possibly get bigger? Is it possible that I could actually get more uncomfortable than I am right now? Wait a minute . . . how am I still working?
Saturday, Dave and I attended an all-day child birth class. It contributed to both of the above lists. On the way home Saturday and once we got home, I was having several Braxton Hicks contractions. Dave frantically threw together my hospital bag. We both realized that if we had to rush to Columbia in a hurry that we are not ready. So, now my bag is somewhat packed.

I debated whether or not to share this on the blog, but I had some testing completed by a maternal fetal medicine specialist, Dr. Grant, a couple of weeks ago and I got some bad news. In addition to testing positive for a Prothrombin Gene Mutation (Factor II), I also have two additional blood clotting disorders: Factor V Leiden mutation and elevated Plasminogen Activator Inhibitors (PAI).

I know - it is all Greek to me, too. To simplify, these disorders are referred to as thrombophilias. It means that I have a very elevated risk at developing a blood clot at any time. Blood clots, of course, may lead to severe pregnancy complications, stroke, pulmonary embolism . . . It is fairly rare to have one of these disorders. I think it is pretty much unheard of to have three. Who knows how I got so special.

Dr. Grant also informed me that my levels of C Reactive Protein were through the roof. To summarize this, it means that I have a lot of inflammation in my body. This can lead to heart disease, breast cancer, diabetes, periodontal disease and the list goes on. Dr. Grant has doubled my dosage of daily heparin. He also added Vitamin D to my daily regimen of prenatal vitamins, folic acid, fish oil, and baby aspirin. I am currently having weekly OB appointments with ultrasounds and non-stress tests.

Despite all of this, I have had no serious pregnancy complications. Everything seems to be going great. The boys got a perfect score on the non-stress test last week. I want things to stay that way.

This is long overdue. Mom was supposed to be finished with radiation today, but she was having some serious pain, peeling of her skin, and bleeding. So, last week, her radiologist decided that she should take a week off from the radiation. She stayed home from work and any place public all last week. She started radiation again today. She will do radiation today, tomorrow and Wednesday and then again Monday - Wednesday next week and then it will all be done!!!

The radiation is causing some severe pain, bleeding, burning of her skin. She is also extremely fatigued following her treatments. It is difficult for her to stay awake on her car ride home following radiation. So, today, she had lunch at my house and then rested for a while before going home. I know that she can't wait for this to be done and I am so excited that it is almost over. I can't even imagine what she is going through right now.


  1. Tisha,

    I can guarantee you that because you have so many concerns and worries about the babies now and when they get here that you will be an EXCELLENT mom! It's the people that don't even think about these issues before a baby or two babies are born that have issues. You are 100% normal for feeling overwhelmed and clueless. Try to enjoy this final phase in your pregnancy because it will be over soon. I hate to tell you but unfortuately the worrying and stuff does not disappear when the boys arrive. Personally I think it gets worse as they will get older. Where I used to worry about is Zachary eating enough? Is he too hot or too cold? etc. I now worry about is he going to get hurt from jumping off our ottoman or is he going to be a good boy at preschool? All the joys of being a mommy. Dave and you will be exceptional parents of these wonderful boys. Lastly don't worry about a name. Friends of ours gave birth to a boy on Sunday and he still does not have a name. The hosptial will not let them leave until he has one. The pressure is on. Good luck and hang in there!

  2. Tisha,
    Some many worries, my advice to you is to turn it all over to God. He was the one that had a hand in making these beautiful boys, he will be the one to help them arrive healthy. As for yourself, take it easy, enjoy these last few months of just you and Dave. Believe me when the boys get here, there won't be alot, if any, one-on-one time for you guys. Just keep praying and trusting in God and he will provide, look what he's done already!! You all will be on our prayers, we love you!!

    Jen and Ken

  3. You and Dave will be great parnets! Plus you have a great support system, and I am sure that your friends would love to help (I am volunteering us without asking)! I am excited for you and Dave. I just can't believe how fast the time is going... It seems like we just got together in St. Louis. Very EXCITING!!

  4. So much to think about. I pretty much second everyone else's advice. God is good, worrying is normal and you guys are going to be great parents. One specific thing I remember going through is asking Jenny all these questions and being annoyed with her ambiguous answers. How could she not remember just how much Thomas ate the first week; when is a cold not a cold and something worse; exactly how many layers do they need in the winter and what about overheating them? I wanted specifics! But I soon learned what Jenny already knew. Every child is different and you have to take things as they come. Most, most important: You are their mother and you will know best. I'm sure of that. Enjoy your last few weeks and take care-Davye

  5. Tisha: No one can prepare to be a parent. There is no way to know what to expect, what to feel, or what to think. It doesn't matter if it's your first child or your fifth. Parenthood is nothing but pure chaos, and anyone who says it isn't, they are insane ! Every single second of it is wonderful and most of all worth it. Maybe not at the exact time, but it is ! My boys are 9 & 5, and I still ask myself all of the same questions, and have all of the same worries that you have listed above. Don't think that I don't ask myself every now and them if I am a good mom, if they are ok, if they are eating enough, etc. You will too,for the rest of your life. No, you will probably never sleep again as well as you did before you were pregnant. By the time they sleep through the nite, then the transisiton from crib to bed, then getting in your bed in the middle of the night, will before long, lead to the fact that they are teenagers and out on the town hanging with friends. All of the worries are a good thing. This is a life changing experience, its supposed to rock your world and change a normal life into a crazy life. You WILL question yourself for the rest of your life, as there is no book or guide with the answers. Its pure awesome. You will be great and it will change you forever ! LiTtLe BoYs RoCk !!
