Tuesday, November 10, 2009

34 Week OB appointment

Tish isn't feeling too well lately, so you get an update from me for week 34. Tish has been having lots of contractions and is feeling very nauseous the last couple of days. We've called the on-call line a few times to make sure we did not need to go in. Since Tish and the boys had appointments with Dr. Grant and Dr. Morse today, we waited and went to the regularly scheduled appointment. The boys had their biophysical profiles determined and were measured. Both boys scored 10 of 10 although A gave us a bit of a scare. Baby A weighed in at 4 pounds, 6 ounces and B weighed 5 pounds 12 ounces. Both are doing fine, but we are going back Thursday for another check to make sure Baby A is doing ok. He is now in a breech position and has developed a slight problem with his umbilical artery which will require some increased monitoring. I have no idea how he managed to find the room to flip over, but he did. Since we have to keep a close watch on his cord, from here on out, the monitoring is upped to twice a week. The doctors want Tish to hold on a couple more weeks, but I think these babies are coming soon. We'll keep everyone updated.


  1. Thanks for the update Dave! Tisha...hang in there! You're doing awesome! I can't imagine how you have over nine lbs of goodness in your little petite body! I won't stop praying for these two little boys until they are out safe and sound. Praying for all of you! I bet your mom is getting so excited!
