Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'd Do It All Over Again

I am feeling a little reflective on the one-week birthday of my beautiful baby boys. This morning, I got an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for the gift that I have been given. It was a long road to get Adrian and Isaac, but I would go through every bit of it again. They are perfect. I never knew I could love like this. I have so many hopes and dreams for them. I am so glad that Dave and I never gave up. We struggled through trying to get pregnant for 3 years, spent thousands and thousands of dollars and shed millions of tears on fertility treatments, and we both suffered through a very difficult pregnancy and an even worse birth. I am glad that we thought it would be worth it. I guess I never realized the reward would be so great. I feel like we are the two most blessed people on earth.


  1. Crying tears of joy for you. Once you become a parent you want everyone to have that gift. Kevin and I have prayed for you guys even before you started your blog. We prayed that God would bless you with a child. Now we are thanking God for his faithfulness and the gift of TWO beautiful baby boys. You guys are going to make the best parents. Isaac and Adrian are so blessed. We think of you daily and we love the updates. Congratulations and Love!

  2. You have blessed your mother and I and Adrian and Gary with the greatest gift of all. I know you two will be amazing parents and we are so proud.
