Friday, November 13, 2009

Meet Isaac and Adrian

Well, Mom finally did it. Our twin boys, Adrian and Isaac were born yesterday, Nov. 12. Tisha's water broke around 6:30 in the morning. We called the doctor and were advised to go to the ER in Kirksville because of the amount of blood. We rushed to NRMC and checked in. Thankfully our good friend Sonya was working. It was a real comfort to have someone we knew and trusted there to help us through. It turns out one of the placentas had partially abrupted and a c-section was necessary. Dr. Boling performed the surgery and Isaac was born at 8:05 and Adrian was born at 8:06. Because they were premature and their chest x-rays were a little hazy, they were transferred to the NICU at Columbia Regional. The boys took a helicopter ride to Columbia and arrived in good shape. Isaac slept the entire flight and Adrian kicked his brother the whole way. By the time they got to Columbia, Adrian was off his oxygen by the time they got to Columbia. Mom is still in Kirksville at NRMC, and the boys are both stable and doing well in the NICU. Hopefully Mom will join us in Columbia on Saturday.


  1. Congratulations!! They are GORGEOUS! Give Tisha my best and I"ll be praying that y'all are reunited soon!

  2. Beautiful! I can't imagine what Tisha is going through being away from all three of her boys. Praying she gets out of the hospital ASAP to be with her babies. CONGRATS!
