Saturday, November 21, 2009

Today has been an eventful one. Adrian has surpassed the body temperature regulation minimums and is supposed to graduate from the incubator to an open bed this evening. The only issue is that there may not be an open bed available for him to move into - there are a lot of babies in the NICU right now. That is a little frustrating.

Also, his NG feeding tube was removed today and he was changed to all breast/bottle feedings. He has done fantastic. Now neither boy has a feeding tube. Isaac and Adrian both developed a little bit of irritation on their bottoms over night (while Mom and Dad were gone). I wonder if the night nurse left them sitting in poopy diapers for a little too long. Maybe I am just a little paranoid.

One concern that came up today is Isaac's tummy, he has been having some issues. Dr. Sherman ran some tests, including a belly x-ray and some blood work to see if anything comes back abnormal. Poor guy. He acts like a perfectly healthy baby, so we are expecting all tests to come back negative. Isaac continued to nurse very well today. He is a hungry boy.

Dr. Sherman again said today that if everything turns out fine with Isaac, we will be home by THANKSGIVING.

1 comment:

  1. GREAT news!!! Glad everything is going so well, hope everything turns out okay with Isaac, I am sure it will. They are both obviously very strong and determined little boys (I wonder where they get that?) Love ya, Ranina
