Sunday, November 22, 2009

Going Home Soon

Another big day today. Adrian and Isaac both moved out of incubators and into open beds. This was the last big hurdle to getting them home. Now they just have to continue to maintain their temperatures and continue to gain weight and we can all go home. It will be nice to get home and sleep in our own bed. The Ronald McDonald House is a nice place to visit, but we are ready to let some other parents have our room.

If all goes as planned from here, Dr. Sherman says the boys will be discharged Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest. Now Mom & Dad have to watch some videos and do our part to meet with the discharge requirements.

It definitely looks like we will be home for Thanksgiving.


  1. GO BOYS!!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! Love to you all--Missy

  2. YAY!!! What a great Thanskgiving gift that will be! Keep it up, Briggs boys!!

  3. This is awesome news! The boys are adorable. I might be wrong but I think Adrian looks like Tisha. What does everyone else think? I am also curious as to how they got their names...In fact I don't think I know their middle names. Thanks again for the updates. Can't wait for you guys to get home with those cuties!
