Monday, April 6, 2009

Relaxin' & Implantin'

In case anyone is still checking out the blog regularly, I thought I should post something - even if it is boring.  It is Monday afternoon and I am just sitting around . . .  relaxin'.  I have been doing a lot of nothing since Saturday morning.  I have eaten five meals purchased from fast food restaurants or delivery - all junk.  I have almost completely caught up on my DVR, but sadly, I haven't opened a book.  Maybe I will finish Marley & Me this afternoon.  I finally took a shower this morning - it had been 48 hours since the previous one.  

Today is day 7 following fertilization.  Today is likely the day that embryo implantation (into the uterus wall) will occur.  So, that is why I am doing nothing.  I want to help my little embryos along the best that I can.  No regrets.  So, for that reason, I don't mind sitting around doing nothing.  I have had some cramping symptoms consistent with implantation, but it could be from the progesterone injections or it could all be in my head.  

Below are some pictures of embryo implantation.

I found out this morning that I can have my blood drawn for the pregnancy tests at the hospital lab in Kirksville.  I will be doing that Friday of this week and the Monday after Easter.  So, we will know if our little science experiment worked on Monday of next week.  

When I spoke to Mom yesterday, she was doing great.  She got up and made a big breakfast that she ate.  She had a great appetite.  She felt great.  Earlier in the week she was getting hiccoughs every time she ate.  That was annoying.  During the week, she never felt awful, but she didn't feel like herself until yesterday.  She has a busy week at work this week, so I am hoping that she feels great all week.


  1. Good! If you come in after 9:30 am i'll be there and I can draw your blood!

  2. When I saw your title of this blog post, it made me smile so big! And don't think those cravings you're having now will go away anytime soon. I'm 3 1/2 months in and on our recent trip to Oklahoma I sought out Taco Bell and have tried to find KFC and Long John Silvers in the city! Gross I know.

    We are praying for you and your little ones and sending you sticky vibes!

    Casey and Holly

  3. I love this! Sit still and pray for those little boogers to HANG ON!!!!

  4. "little boogers," probably not what you want me calling your future children.

  5. The suspense is killing us! I am sure you are going crazy too. Can't wait for an update. We're praying for positive blood work and two lines on the pee stick.
