Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Oleva Riney . . . One Strong Lady

This post is going to be all about my mom, Oleva Riney. I am so proud of her. The two of us spent a big chunk of time at Ellis Fischel yesterday. We met with Dr. Dale (oncology surgeon), Dr. Perry (medical oncologist), & Dr. Westgate (radiation oncologist).

Dr. Dale informed us that there were no cancerous cells in the breast tissue removed last week - good news. He also told us that there was cancer in 5 out of 13 lymph nodes that were removed - bad news.

Dr. Perry told us that she has Stage III metastatic ductal cell carcinoma. He recommended chemo and radiation. He also recommended that she join a clinical trial testing a promising new chemo drug that has already been approved for other forms of cancer. She is going to have a Port-A-Cath placed Monday, March 16 at the University Hospital. This will be used to give her chemo drugs.

Chemo will start about 4 weeks from now and last until September. Prior to chemo, further tests will be completed: CAT scan, bone scan, MUGA scan. Chemo will begin four weeks from now and be completed at Ellis Fischel. She will have an appointment every other week for 8 weeks and then weekly for 12 weeks. There is a possibility that she may continue with an appointment once every three weeks for 30 weeks following this. It depends on the drug trial. Of course, the side effects of chemo vary from person to person, but usually have a significant affect on quality of life - temporarily.

Dr. Westgate explained radiation treatment. It will most likely begin sometime in September. It takes about 15 minutes for each appointment. It is done daily Monday thru Friday for 6 weeks at the George Ray Cancer Center in Kirksville.

In a word . . . OVERWHELMING.

Mom is doing great. Her attitude is great. She wants to fight this and do everything that is recommended of her doctors. She is having pain in her left arm following last week's surgery. The pain is more associated with the removal of lymph nodes than anything else. The doctors want this to heal a little more prior to chemo. Mom, I know you are mortified that this entire post is all about you. Sorry, but that is how things are going to be for a while.

I tried to put myself in her shoes yesterday. I couldn't do it. I have no idea how it feels to have breast cancer. I can think of some words, but I'm not sure they do it justice. They are just words. Some words that are more important are the words that describe Oleva: strong, determined, powerful. I am confident the outcome will be great, but it will be a long road. She will get through it with a lot of support.


  1. I have been checking on here all night to see about what you found out. I am thinking positive thoughts for all of you and even praying. As I said on Friday, your mom is a tough broad and if she needs anything I am never to far. Love ya

  2. Oh Geez, I am overwhelmed for you guys. It sounds like your mom is a strong lady. She will beat this! I am amazed at both of your determination and will. Please let your mom know that we are praying for her too. It is going to be a rough year but when she is done with everything she will look back and realize how tough she really is. Hopefully when she is done she will have a baby or two in her arms to celebrate with. It will all be worth it. Hang in there. CANCER SUCKS! We love you guys, Hil and Kevin

  3. Tisha,
    Just wanted to let you know that I continue to pray for you and your mom everyday. Be strong, if you need anything let us know.

    Ken and Jen
