Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wonderful Weekend

On this lazy Sunday afternoon, I am writing from our hotel room in St. Louis.  I had a fantastic weekend with my wonderful friends here in St. Louis.  Foster was very hospitable, as usual.  We saw I Love You, Man Saturday afternoon at the Moolah Theater.  The Moolah is an old Masonic Temple that has been converted into a movie theater with huge couches.  It has a bar - you can drink alcoholic beverages while watching a movie.  There is a bowling alley, pool tables, etc.  It was fun and the movie was hilarious.  This weekend was just what I needed.  Thanks, ladies - & Foster.

By the way, while Dave wasn't around, Ranina gave me my shots - a total of 3 of them.  She did an outstanding job.  Thanks, Ranina.  I really didn't want to do it myself.  You are awesome.  

Both Friday and today are the dreaded days that require a total of 3 different injections.  Every other day this week I had an injection of Lupron in the morning and an injection of Gonal-F in the evening.  Before I left Kirksville Friday evening, Dave gave me a horrible injection of Luveris, too.  We have to do it again this evening.  I hated it.  It is the worst one yet.  Oh well.  It is all worth it.

Again, the agenda for tomorrow (Monday) is blood work to test my estradiol levels, an ultrasound, an IV of Intralipid, and acupuncture.  I have been feeling very positive about everything . . .  but I am also so nervous.  I'm not nervous about any of the procedures.  That is a piece of cake.  I am nervous about the possibility of another downward turn on the rollercoaster if this IVF cycle doesn't work.  

I know.  I know.  I shouldn't worry about something that hasn't happened, but I am just giving you an honest peak at how I feel.  I am reserving a little of my excitement.  I'm sorry.  I feel like I am letting everyone down a little bit.  It is a protective mechanism OR being a realist OR post traumatic stress.  I don't know.  I'm trying to feel ONLY positive thoughts, but there are always those feelings of anxiety looming.  Luckily, Dave will be here to override the anxiety.  He is good at that.  I'll update you tomorrow evening - and every evening this week.


  1. Wow, that theater sounds so fun!

    Good luck with everything, I'll be praying for you and Dave. I'm so glad you have internet, I was hoping you would! Thanks for keeping us all in the loop :-)

    Talk to you soon!

  2. Okay, this is "the" week! I am literally nervous and excited for you right now as I write this. I will certainly keep you in my thoughts and prayers this week! No worries, Tisha...leave them with God! Have a great week! :)

  3. Sounds like you had a great weekend, just what you needed. I'm so excited for you guys this week, can't wait to read the next update. Praying for you!!
