Thursday, March 5, 2009

Our Cycle Has Started

As you may have read in Dave's post yesterday, our IVF cycle officially started yesterday, Wednesday, March 4. We started yesterday with an injection of Lupron and a .75mg dexamethasone (steroid) pill. Lupron is a very complicated drug. I am still a little unclear of the mechanism of action. I believe that Lupron suppresses the pituitary gland's ability to produce FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone). This "turns off" my ovaries so that Dr. Ahlering can control my ovulation with gonadotropins (Gonal-F) and other hormones (coming soon).

The reported side effects of the steroids are increased appetite, bloating, and sleep loss. I already had serious trouble sleeping last night. That is the side effect that will rock my world the most. Work was crazy busy today (a good thing), and I usually take that in stride. The lack of sleep compounded with the Lupron (the main side effects are MOOD SWINGS) and busy work day completely overwhelmed me. This is only Day 2.

I was supposed to run 9 miles after work today with Katie in this beautiful 70 degree weather, but I reluctantly chose to decline. Sorry, Katie! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. I am going to bed early tonight. I feel completely exhausted. I know, I know, it will only get worse with a newborn baby - or two.

I am having to dig very deep this week for those positive feelings I was bragging about a couple of weeks ago. All of the positive messages, flowers, cards, and phone calls are so appreciated. You all know who you are. Your support is getting me through this. I love you.


  1. Love You,Thinking Postive Thoughts for You, Praying for You and Remember just a phone call away!

  2. Hang in there Tisha! We are rooting for you! T

  3. You can do it, you are a very strong woman. Keep turning to God, he will be there for you. I will keep you guys in my prayers. If Dave needs a break from the mood swings, I'll gladly give Ken up for a few hours (it's for a good cause) LOL! We are here if you need anything!!

  4. To be honest, though, the sleepless crazy nights are so much easier to deal with when there is a baby there smiling up at you!!! Just FYI.
