Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Best Day Ever

This is a two-part good news blog.  You can refer to Dave's post below for part of our good news.  Who am I kidding?  I can't help but repeat it - All 10 of our retrieved eggs were mature and healthy and they all fertilized!!  I was in shock to get that info from Andrea at SIRM today.  I think it is pretty rare for every egg that is retrieved to be mature and fertilize.  We are thrilled.  
As Dave mentioned, we will get another report from Andrea on Thursday.  They will tell us how many have made it to Day-3 embryos and whether we should transfer them to my uterus on that day or wait until Day-5.  We are praying for Day-5 on Saturday.   We have the best chances if we can do that.  

This does not mean I am Deca-Mom (Nish & Holly)!  If all of our little embies make it, we will not transfer every one of them.  I am not a masochist.  We will preserve some of them for the future.

I have to tell on Dave a little bit.  He is going to kill me.  When I got home from Columbia with Mom & Carla, he had the Pottery Barn Kid catalog out on the counter open to a crib that he liked.  I thought it was sweet.  I think he is allowing his hopes to get up . . .  so am I.  It makes me nervous to do so, but we can't help it.  It is human nature.  It is hard not to put all of our eggs in one basket - literally and figuratively.  That was almost a funny little joke.  

But, I can't wait to tell you the best news of the day.  Wait for it . . .  Wait for it . . .  I have to build the anticipation a little.  We got Mom's bone scan, Cat scan, & MUGA scan results from Dr. Perry.  ALL OF MOM'S SCANS CAME BACK NEGATIVE FOR CANCER!!!  We are on cloud nine.  This is the first time that we have received good news since we began this process in December.  Finally!  Today was a very good day.  I think the fertilized eggs lifted her spirits, too.  

She started her first round of chemo today.  It took several hours.  It will take less time each time she returns.  She tolerated it well.  The next few days will be the true test.  She will probably have some nausea, etc.  Our nurse, Ann, gave us a ton of information.  Everyone in charge of Mom's care is very concerned about all of her symptoms - nausea, vomitting, the list goes on.  They gave her medicine in her port today to help fight these issues and they sent her home with some oral prescription meds to help with it.  I was pleased about that. 

They want her to call them when she has any noteworthy symptoms.  Everyone at Ellis Fischel is extremely nice and informative.  She will meet with her medical oncologist, Dr. Perry, every time she goes for chemo.  I love that.  He is great.  They all are.  I am very happy that we chose Ellis Fischel.  Her next chemo infusion is on Tuesday, April 14, and every 2 weeks for a month thereafter.  Then she will continue with chemo every week for at least twelve more weeks.  I will update you regularly on her progress. 

Aunt Carla was there today, too.  Thanks, Carla.  I appreciate your support, and I know Mom does, as well.  You are a great sister.  I know you are going to be a life-saver during this process.  

Thanks, everyone, for uplifting me day after day.  I love ya.


  1. We love you too!! It was a blessed day for all of you. I am so happy for you, Dave, and of course your mom. That is wonderful news! My mom & dad also mad a joke about being not an octo mom, but more. I have been keeping them posted. When reading your posts, I alsmost feel that we are on the journey with you. I love reading everything and I hae learned a lot. This "Best Day Ever" post is truly an inspiration.

  2. Woo HOO! I am so happy for you guys! Great news for EVERYONE! I think it is sweet Dave is picking out nursery furniture. He has good taste! Can't wait to here the news about your fertilized eggs tomorrow. We are still praying and will for the next 9 months!

  3. I am soooo happy for you guys. I have been praying for you and your mom every night. I actually got tears in my eyes when I read about Dave looking through the catalog! So sweet. Thanks for sharing your journey with us, keeping all of you in my prayers!

  4. Hey guys,

    I had no idea you guys were going through all this. But it sounds like things are looking up with your mom, Tisha, and it sounds like you guys will have a couple (maybe more) little beasts running around soon. I am happy to hear that things are going well for you guys. I'll stay tuned for additional blog posts soon. (By the way, Tisha, I seem to have had the same reaction to anesthesia after oral surgery 10 years ago and having my tonsils out in '07 - crying uncontrollably like a baby. Not sure why it makes me an emotional basket case. Go figure!) Ang Dunn
